Greetings from the road!
Our last run of shows was in Mississippi. The first stop was the Wesley Foundation at Delta State University. We were there about a year ago, so it was nice to see everyone again!
Another Daddy pic. I'm sure I'm the only mommy who can count on one hand how many times she's carried the carrier...
They got us a basket of snacks AND some gifts for Oliver! So sweet.
And just look how they placed the monkey on the banana. Hello, clever!
Unfortunately, Oliver had a smidge of a meltdown when we got there. I nursed him and all was well. Sara was our OliVolunteer and she was beyond precious.
She even took him out of the room when he MELTED DOWN AGAIN. I had to leave the stage to calm him. Once calm, we just left him in another room and she stayed with him. Yowza. We survived, but it'd be great if that didn't happen again :)
The next morning we loaded up and headed to Oxford. And this is what my man does on the road... Unload, unpack, pack up, load up. Repeat. Road life is not for the faint of heart. Or the lazy.
We were supposed to have been going to Starkville, but the shows fell through last minute and so we ended up having a little vacation in Oxford, thanks to our friends who have a condo with plenty of room. They even had a crib in its own room. Translation: Oliver slept in a separate room for the first time. Definitely harder on me than him.
Since we were in town, we shared some songs at Ole Miss Wesley Chapel.
Love the windows.
And love my boys.
The condo is close to The Square in Oxford, so we would walk there each day. There's tons of too-expensive-for-me shops and great food. And a sahweet phone booth.
Our dare devil. Lord help us.
We had breakfast with friends on Friday and Oliver was loved on by some adorable little ladies :)
Our host said he'd watch Oliver if we wanted to have a date. As hard as it was for me, I said yes and we went out to eat by ourselves.
Of course I checked my phone the whole time, but baby steps. (He slept the whole time.)
On Saturday, Palm Sunday Eve, the Easter Bunny made his/her way to The Square and so did we!
Here we go...
You can do it...
We were able to go to church Sunday morning AND Sunday school. And that was Oliver's first time in the nursery. We survived that, too. We had a wonderful brunch with our host then had a Sunday nap before heading to the Wesley House for our last show.
(Yes. That's my cat DJ shirt because it's funny.)
It was a fun night! But, Oliver had another episode as we were finishing up. What in the world?!? I'm blaming that particular one on being hungry.
So, to recap, first time sleeping in another room, first time having a date while someone other than my mom watched O, first church nursery.
And we're all still in one piece. Imagine that.