Well, hello! Greetings from a hotel room in Tonopah, NV. It's been a while and I'm behind on the blog due to lack of wireless and cell phone service and all that other stuff that makes life easier...
Here's the next installment of our West Coast adventures!
**Warning: Lots of pictures, so feel free to scroll**
We left Hollywood and headed north up HWY 1. We took two days to get to our next show stop, which was wonderful! It gave us the time to stop and take in all the breathtaking views.
Another stop was Elephant Seal Beach. This was something else! No, they're not dead. They're molting (shedding skin). They are hilarious to watch and their barks (or whatever the noise is called that comes out of their mouths) sounds similar to a toot.
This fella wouldn't leave the lady alone. We kept saying "No means no!" Of course, we had no way of knowing their sex. But it made for some laughs on our end and that's what it's all about.
Trent had done HWY 1 on a Harley years ago and I never realized the impact of that until I saw it for myself. It is a curvy road, to say the very least. I was pretty much white-knuckled the whole time. We even saw bikers on the way. I'm not talking motorcycles. I'm talking BICYCLES! Up and down all those hills and around all those curves and cliffs? How 'bout absolutely never.
Ragged Point, CA. Oh my word. I decided that if we ever renew our vows, it will be here at Ragged Point Inn. Start saving family!
We stopped for the night in Morro Bay, CA. This town was adorable. Like right out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. The big rock in all the pictures was discovered in 1542!

This anchor serves as a memorial for all the fishermen lost at sea.
Trent was able to get some oysters (I'll pass, thanks) and we got a front row seat seeing seagulls feasting on snakes. Or worms. Or something along those lines. A fisherman was throwing out what I assume was unused bate (I could be wrong and most likely am) and those birds were in a feeding frenzy.

And then I saw this and wanted to share it with that fisherman...
Another stop was Elephant Seal Beach. This was something else! No, they're not dead. They're molting (shedding skin). They are hilarious to watch and their barks (or whatever the noise is called that comes out of their mouths) sounds similar to a toot.
This fella wouldn't leave the lady alone. We kept saying "No means no!" Of course, we had no way of knowing their sex. But it made for some laughs on our end and that's what it's all about.
Trent had done HWY 1 on a Harley years ago and I never realized the impact of that until I saw it for myself. It is a curvy road, to say the very least. I was pretty much white-knuckled the whole time. We even saw bikers on the way. I'm not talking motorcycles. I'm talking BICYCLES! Up and down all those hills and around all those curves and cliffs? How 'bout absolutely never.
Ragged Point, CA. Oh my word. I decided that if we ever renew our vows, it will be here at Ragged Point Inn. Start saving family!
We stopped for the night in Morro Bay, CA. This town was adorable. Like right out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. The big rock in all the pictures was discovered in 1542!

This anchor serves as a memorial for all the fishermen lost at sea.
Trent was able to get some oysters (I'll pass, thanks) and we got a front row seat seeing seagulls feasting on snakes. Or worms. Or something along those lines. A fisherman was throwing out what I assume was unused bate (I could be wrong and most likely am) and those birds were in a feeding frenzy.

And then I saw this and wanted to share it with that fisherman...
And then I found Nemo in a tank at a restaurant...
We left there and headed to the Monterey, CA area. Got a workout in, got some work done and then decided to head to Fisherman's Wharf. Now that's a lot of boats.
We enjoyed dinner with this view. We LOVE eating and looking at water. Love.
We shared this fabulous meal. Fresh seafood is hard to beat. And the clam chowder? Whoa.
And every lady got a rose after dinner. Just the right amount of cheese for me.
We left Monterey and headed to Atwater, CA where our show was. I needed to empty my bladder and in our search for an adequate facility, we stumbled upon the San Luis Reservoir (man made). And these pictures do not do it justice. Way cool.
We got to Atwater and the pastor and his wife had left us a snack basket in the room. It always warms my heart when people go out of their way to make us feel welcome. (And I pretty much inhaled the macadamia nuts.)
The show was an outdoor luau theme. Complete with Hawaiian food and all! Everyone was so sweet and appreciative.
And! They gave me flowers. I mean how precious.
Next will be Oregon! I've finally thawed out from camping there.
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