Saturday, February 22, 2014

Oliver is 2 months!

Dear Oliver,

Where has the time gone?  You are 2 months old already!  (That means it's been two months since I've mopped the bathroom floors, by then way.  Oops.)

You're up to:
13 lbs 15 1/2 oz
(89th percentile)
25 1/2 in long
(you are off the charts for length!)

You got your shots and you cried and screamed and it just about broke our hearts.  Other than that, you had a perfect 2 month exam!

You are growing so big, so fast.  You have been on two road trips already and did fabulously.  And right now, you're in Florida on your third!  You are taking a bottle well.  (Daddy loves to feed you.)  You love your carseat and riding in the car.  You usually fall asleep instantly!  You're still eating every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  BUT you've had a couple of LOOOOOONG stretches at night.  I'm hoping that becomes a habit soon ;-)

Your hands have officially made it out of sock prison and into your mouth and oh my word…it's like they're the best thing you've ever tasted.  

Music calms you.  I think it's because that's what you're used to from being in my tummy!  Sometimes, it's like you sleep better when daddy is playing his guitar really loudly at home.  People still talk about your rockin' hair and how good you are.  (And why wouldn't they?)  When we went out to eat for Valentine's Day as a family, an older man was leaving and commented on how good you were.  (You were awake and the restaurant was very loud.)  We agreed.  Then, he said, "What is he? Four months?"  And then we told him you were 8 weeks old.  So, that should tell you that you're a big un.  You are pretty much wearing 3 month clothing and some 6 months.

You love bright lights.  And when we turn off the lights, your eyes get really big.  You are smiling A LOT and even laughing.  It's adorable.  You love older women…especially when they talk baby talk to you.  It makes you show that perfect, gummy grin.

You still like the hair dryer, though we haven't had to use it hardly at all.  And getting your forehead rubbed puts you into your happy place.  

We have plenty of nicknames for you:  Grunts, Squirms, Mister Man, Sir Drools A Lot, Buckaroo, Buckarooster, Sugar Booger,  Shoogs, Hims, Ollie (duh), Hey Mister Crit Man Baby Friend (that's your daddy's creation.)

And we make up really ridiculous songs for you, too.  Anything to make you smile!

Oliver, Oliver, Oliver, Oliver
You're a cute baby.
(Or sometimes we say, sweet baby or fussy baby or poopy baby.)

  You are the best thing I've ever done.  You made me a mommy.  

We are so honored to be your mommy and daddy.  God picked us to take care of you and raise you and we are more than thankful.  We love you, Oliver Tuck!   To the moon all the way back to our hearts...

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