Friday, November 8, 2013

What is Kickstarter and why are we using it?

If you're a friend of mine on Facebook or follow me on twitter (or follow Trent), you've hopefully seen our Kickstarter link that we've shared.  

I know how social media can be.  You see something pop up in your news feed saying things like "help" or "fundraising" or "goal" and you keep scrolling.  I'm guilty of it myself.  But Kickstarter is not just asking for money.  It's asking for pledges and in return for a pledge you get something.  

We did a Kickstarter for Trent's last solo project and we told ourselves we would never do it again.  It was a very stressful 30 days and was funded very last minute.

It aged me, ha!

Since then, I've become part of the show.  Trent Monk has become The Monks.  It started with percussion and now I'm singing with him.  It has been such a God thing to see what we do grow into something we think is very special.  And the response on the road has been great.  Who doesn't love to see a couple sing together?

So, 2 years after the last Kickstarter that stressed us out so much, we found ourselves in a "we need to get a new project out but have no way to pay for it" situation.

Insert Kickstarter.

It's really one of the best tools for independent artists to get new music to the fans.  Records take mucho dinero.  And, since we have no label to pay for a new record, we need to raise funds.

That's where you come in!  

Think of it as a pre-buy package.  For example, if you pledge $10, you'll get the new songs emailed to you before their release.  If you pledge $20, you'll get them emailed to you PLUS a hard copy of the CD mailed to you.  The amounts go up from there and the larger the amount, the more you get in return.

See?  Easy, right?

OH!  There's another stipulation.  If we don't raise the full amount in the time frame allotted, we get nothing.  Zilch.  Nada.  

We need your help.
Our goal is $12,000.
If we don't get it all raised by Nov. 20th, we get nothing and you don't get new music.

On our Kickstarter page, there is a detailed list of what this thing will cost, if you're curious and want to read it over.  Click on this link to go straight there.

Although it's still a stressful situation, we are hopeful.  We need your help, but we are hopeful.

Thank you to those that have already stepped on board!  We appreciate you.

I hope this clears up some things!  Happy pledging =)

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