Thursday, March 10, 2016

Oliver's 2nd Birthday

This year, Oliver turned 2 while we were on the road in Pennsylvania.  His birthday is December 19th and it will always be a balancing act for party-time.  We didn't do a party.  Mainly because by the time we got home after the Christmas tour, we were worn out.  But also because that time of year is just so busy for everyone!  Also, he won't remember.  Maybe when he's older, he'll choose to celebrate in the summer =)

We kept it simple.  I was sure to travel with party supplies so the boy could wake up on his day and see some balloons!  So fancy.

He opened the few presents we got him and also got to have a sugary breakfast.

That day, we went to the local "mall" and walked around then had a birthday lunch.  (We tried to hold up the number 2, not peace signs.)

That night was our last show of the tour... 

 And so, they brought him out from the nursery and we all sang to him.  I cried.  I still cry.  Such a sweet moment.  Not typical in any way.  

Happy 2nd, sweet boy.  We love you to pieces!

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Perfect! I also cry STILL at every kids birthday song. Maybe not full on tears but I can't get through the song without choking up. hah mom probs.
